Energy Saving Tips

Energy Saving Tips

Energy Saving Tips – Energy is an irreplaceable source of life for humans and the surrounding environment. However, how you utilize them can make a big difference. Amid concerns about the energy crisis and the negative impacts of climate change, it is important to direct attention to behavior that uses energy for useful things. The … Read more

Black and White Bedrooms

black and white bedrooms

Tired of all that neutrality? Don’t you like bright colors? Do you prefer timeless color combinations that always work out? If your answer to at least one of these questions is yes, choose black and white. It’s a classic and totally timeless color scheme with just the right amount of contrast, which keeps it eye-catching … Read more

What is Light Steel? Function, Types, Advantages, Disadvantages

light steel

Light steel is classified as high-quality steel that is lightweight and thin, but its strength is not less than that of ordinary steel. The definition of light steel is a material used for roof construction of buildings. Light steel is used for roof construction of buildings because it is considered more practical, durable and long-lasting. … Read more

Sumber Energi Yang Paling Aman Bagi Lingkungan

Sumber Energi Yang Paling Aman Bagi Lingkungan

Dalam upaya menghadapi perubahan iklim, pencarian akan sumber energi yang ramah lingkungan semakin mendesak. Begitu banyak yang bertanya mengenai apakah ada sumber energi yang paling aman bagi lingkungan. Berikut akan dibahas secara lengkap mengenai sumber energi yang paling aman bagi lingkungan. Seperti yang diketahui bahwa dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar fosil yang menghasilkan emisi karbon berbahaya, … Read more

Pengertian Spectrum Analyzer: Jenis, Kelebihan, Kekurangan

Spectrum Analyzer

Dalam sebuah teknik kelistrikan, tentu akan ada beberapa istilah alat ukur kelistrikan tertentu yang biasa digunakan. Spectrum analyzer adalah salah satu alat ukur yang bisa digunakan untuk mengukurnya. Namun bagi masyarakat awam, tentu masih banyak yang tidak mengetahui tentang istilah tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan, biasanya istilah kelistrikan tersebut akan dipelajari dalam materi teknik kelistrikan di … Read more