Steel Structures: Advantages and Disadvantages

Steel structures are now more widely used in making house frames. Of course, because it has many advantages compared to wood which has long been used as a building structure. Not only houses, but almost all structures use steel.

To better understand why steel is a favorite among people today, what its advantages, benefits, and so on are. Here we will review it in full to make it a consideration for users who want to build it.

Understanding Steel Structures

A steel structure is a building framework using light metal that is connected by gluing together several pieces of steel. So it can withstand heavy loads from other house-building components such as roof tiles, walls, and so on. The level of strength is very high and does not require a lot of steel compared to wood.

As has been briefly discussed, these metal structures are not only used in house buildings. However, in heavy industry, for example, airports, towers, bridges, and many more. The steel frame consists of several structures which are made based on the shape and composition to suit the building project.

Each building has a diverse structure and uses different materials. However, they generally use a mixture of carbon and iron. If the building is heavy, it needs additional materials such as manganese, a mixture of several metals, and many chemicals to make the steel stronger.

Structural Steel Forms

Structural steel manufacturing is usually done in 3 ways such as hot rolling, cold rolling, and welding. The selection is based on each type of building to be made. The following forms of structural steel are commonly used:

  • I-Beam or flat I-shaped steel.
  • Z-shape which has opposite shapes on each edge.
  • Steel that has a flat plane L or called Angle.
  • Flat T-shaped steel.

Rail profile steel structures in the form of various handles, for example, barlow rail, flanged rail, and others.
Steel plate or thin metal plate.

Actually, there are many forms. If you don’t understand building construction, you should ask an expert for help or ask a close friend who is skilled. This is because the building frame is an important element in development.

Advantages of Steel Structures

The decision to use steel for a building is certain after careful consideration. One of them is due to the advantages given to steel structures compared to the use of other materials. Including the following:

  • Stronger to withstand loads, wind, etc., so it is very suitable for use in tall buildings.
  • The properties vary from one steel to another because it is made using machines that meet the best standards.
  • It will be more durable and resistant to all weather.
  • It has a tough nature, which means it can provide flexibility when shear or shock loads occur.
  • Easy to assemble and lift.
  • Easy to form structures.
  • Can be reused.

Disadvantages of Steel Structures

Apart from the advantages, of course, there are also disadvantages. Where these shortcomings can be taken into consideration. Isn’t it a problem if you look at it from several aspects? These shortcomings include,

  • Even though the tensile force is strong, steel structures have disadvantages in compressive forces. So it requires additional concrete which is expensive.
  • If it is not assembled properly and strongly, it can cause brittle failure which occurs suddenly without warning.
  • Very vulnerable to temperature, especially when there is a fire.
  • Maintenance costs are quite expensive.
  • Not suitable for use on some building structures because it is very fragile.

Types of Steel Building Structures

Structural type is determined by the function of a building. In industrial building structures, three types are usually used, namely:

  • The portal frame is a rigid triangular saddle structure in a single plane.
  • The portal truss is a horizontal frame made of a plane.
  • A space truss is a combination of the two portal structures above.

Types of Structural Steel

There are many types of steel to suit the function of the building. Each type will be selected for each frame based on strength, flexibility and suitability. These types are divided into,

  • A wide flange is suitable for column structural parts because this part is classified as vulnerable to collapse.
  • U channel for parts that have curves such as columns.
  • C channel is usually placed on the roof or covering.
  • Rectangular hollow sections are used on the ceiling.
  • The steel pipe supports steel for certain parts.

Structural Steel Properties

Steel itself has various materials. However, structural steel is made from various chemical substances, carbon, manganese, and mixed metals. The reason for using structural steel is that apart from being stronger, it also has mechanical properties, so it can withstand large loads. And the tension is flexible and adjusts to the load.

Differences in Forming Processes Determine Quality

Steelmaking will greatly affect the quality of steel. In order for the results to be good, it is necessary to go through two process stages, namely Hot Rolling and Cold Forming. Hot Rolling is a process where steel is heated before it is finally shaped according to the type as reviewed above.

This stage includes the initial process of making structural steel. After that, it goes to cold forming where the metal that has been formed will be bent to shape and then cooled.

Benefits of Using Steel Construction

Steel structures have their own benefits for several people. One of them is that the work doesn’t take too long, it’s cost-effective because it doesn’t require a lot, and it’s sturdy. The best choice for the shop, boarding house, and factory construction.

Reasons for Choosing Steel

Apart from the advantages, another reason for choosing steel construction is because its use saves space, space, and energy. Until now, steel is still unmatched as a cheap but strong building material. Moreover, this material can be reused and is safe.

That is a review of the meaning of steel structures, their types, advantages, and other reasons that can be reasons for choosing them. After knowing it, will users use it for buildings?

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