Changes When There is Electricity

Changes When There is Electricity

The need for electricity is an inseparable aspect of modern human life. However, it turns out that there are several differences before electricity and after electricity that are quite significant. Along with the progress of the times, the role of electricity is increasingly fundamental in supporting various daily activities. As the main source of energy, … Read more

Energy Transformations That Occur in a Hair Dryer

energy transformations that occur in a hair dryer

Hair dryer or hair dryer is an important tool especially for women that is useful for drying wet hair or after shampooing. This hair dryer also has a polymer that functions as a good thermal and electrical insulator. So what energy changes occur in this hair dryer? The following will discuss the energy changes that … Read more

Kinetic Energy Conversion to Electricity

Kinetic Energy Conversion to Electricity

Kinetic energy can be converted into electrical energy in various ways. Examples of kinetic energy converted into electrical energy can also be found in everyday life. The following are some examples of kinetic energy converted into electrical energy: 1. Energy Changes in Generators A generator is a mechanical device that has the ability to convert … Read more

Mengenal Tembaga: Definisi, Karakteristik Unsur, Manfaat


Tembaga – Jika berbicara soal pertambangan, tentu ada unsur tembaga sebagai salah satu hasilnya. Tidak hanya itu, unsur yang satu ini ternyata juga lekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Beberapa di antaranya berada di industri otomotif, obat-obatan, hingga alat elektronik yang digunakan sepanjang waktu. Pengertian Tembaga Tembaga adalah sebuah unsur logam transisi berbentuk kristal dengan nomor atom … Read more

Mengenal Material Komposit: Klasifikasi, Contoh dan Aplikasinya

material komposit

Komposit adalah istilah yang sering dipakai oleh seorang insinyur atau pembicaraan seputar konstruksi yang sifatnya mekanik. Material komposit ini mempunyai keistimewaan lebih unggul jika dibandingkan dengan bahan logam atau keramik yang keras sekalipun. Pengertian Material Komposit Komposit adalah material rekayasa yang tergolong baru dan kinerjanya diperoleh melalui kombinasi dua atau lebih bahan. Tujuannya menghasilkan mechanical … Read more