The need for electricity is an inseparable aspect of modern human life. However, it turns out that there are several differences before electricity and after electricity that are quite significant.
Along with the progress of the times, the role of electricity is increasingly fundamental in supporting various daily activities. As the main source of energy, the contribution of electricity is very significant, affecting the smoothness and continuity of various human activities.
The cessation of electricity supply can disrupt and even hinder various activities that depend on it. For this reason, the following are some differences between before and after electricity:
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1. Time of Activity Implementation
Before the advent of electricity, work routines were usually limited to daytime hours when the sun was shining brightly. The activities carried out stopped when night fell, because additional lighting such as candles were needed to continue the work.
However, with the arrival of electricity, the time range for carrying out work activities became more flexible. Now, work can be done all day long, from morning to night.
Dependence on sunlight is no longer a major factor. This is because at night you can use electric lighting such as lamps to carry out activities.
2. Ironing Process
The difference before electricity and after electricity which then occurs in the ironing process. Before the era of electrification, people relied on charcoal irons for ironing purposes, a tool that did not depend on electricity.
However, along with technological advances, the presence of electricity has changed this paradigm, with people switching to using electric irons as a modern solution for ironing activities.
3. How to Get Water
Before there was access to electricity, people relied on water sources from wells with manual drawing methods. However, with the advancement of electrical technology, the approach to getting water has changed to using electric pumps to flow water from wells.
4. In Economic Activities
Before the era of electricity entered the stage, the economy relied on manual efforts and without technological support. However, along with the emergence of electricity, a paradigm shift occurred.
Then the economy began to adopt technology, especially machines, as the main foundation of its economic activities. So now there are many economic activities that have utilized technology.
5. Communication Tools
The next difference before electricity and after electricity is in the field of communication. As is well known, previously human interaction depended on written correspondence or conventional means of communication.
However, since the discovery of electricity, communication channels have shifted to telephones and gadgets that utilize electrical energy.
6. Learning Lighting Process
Before the advent of electricity, lighting during the learning process was limited to the use of candles. But with the advent of electricity, there is an option to use study lamps as an alternative lighting.
7. Transportation
Before the emergence of electricity as the main source, transportation generally relied on animal or human power. Examples include the use of horses or horse-drawn carriages and traveling on foot.
For long-distance travel, transportation relies on trains or steamships. However, recent developments include the emergence of electric cars that do not require fossil fuels to operate.
8. Health
Before the era of electricity hit, medical services were tied to traditional medical practices, with limited advances in medical technology. Light in hospitals depended on nature or artificial sources such as candles.
However, the modern era has brought significant changes, where medical devices that use electricity have become standard. Moreover, adequate lighting has replaced the previous limitations of lighting in the context of health services.
9. In Food Processing
Before the existence of electricity, food processing activities such as cooking and grinding were generally carried out through the use of direct heat sources, such as fire, traditional stoves, or manual tools such as hand grinders. However, now it is done with several cooking tools that use electrical energy.
10. Use of Time
Before the era of electrification, people generally arranged their activities following the natural pattern of the solar cycle, using the rising and setting of sunlight as a guide. Night activities tend to be limited and often have to end early due to the limited artificial lighting available.
That is the description related to the differences before electricity and after electricity. Where, with electricity, of course, there are various changes experienced by society in various aspects of life.
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