Eco Friendly Source of Electricity

Eco Friendly Source of Electricity

With an electrical energy source, it will certainly facilitate various types of activities carried out by humans. However, it must be ensured that the energy source is environmentally friendly. There are quite a lot of examples of Eco Friendly Source of Electricity. This is because electricity is one of the main things that is now … Read more

What is Heat Energy? Definition and Types

what is heat energy

In physics learning, the topic of heat is something that is often the subject of discussion. The simple definition of heat energy refers to the form of energy that can be absorbed or released by an object. As is known, heat is not a substance. However, this heat is energy. However, for greater clarity, in … Read more

Accumulator and Its Function


In English, the term Accumulator refers to various devices such as batteries, capacitors, and compulsators. The accumulator is an important part of a car. The car battery is one of the crucial components in a vehicle which plays a role in storing electrical energy and channeling it to various car systems and devices. Good battery … Read more

Household Appliances Before There Was Electricity

Household Appliances Before There Was Electricity

Before electricity became an essential part of daily life, household appliances relied on human power or other energy sources to operate. As for household equipment before electricity, perhaps not many people know about it. Therefore, the following will be discussed in full. As is known, the past lived by household appliances is an era that … Read more

Source of Heat Energy

Source of Heat Energy

There are various sources that can produce heat energy. The source of heat energy and their uses are quite diverse. The presence of heat energy has an important role in various daily activities. Of course, with this heat energy, it will make everything that humans do in their daily lives easier. Therefore, humans will certainly … Read more